AA District 6
New District 6 Website
Meeting Directory for District 6
General Service Represenative Information
District 6 has compiled a collection of useful information for new Group Service Representatives (GSRs) which can be viewed and downloaded below. We encourage all of our GSRs in the District 6 area to attend and participate in our monthly council meetings.
District 6 Workshop: Finding a New Normal - July 10, 2021
District 6 held a virtual workshop, panel, and sharing session on AA fellowship during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Audio: Full Workshop
Audio: Part I - Opening Remarks and Discussion
Audio: Part II - Traditions Panel: Don M - Traditions 1-4, Lori C- Traditions 5-8, Ted S - Traditions 9-12
Audio: Part II - Practical Sharing Session
Please join us for our workshop on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83828070242Financial Resources for A.A. Groups
The information below may be helpful for A.A. Groups and treasures. It includes pamphlets from A.A. World Services, information on how to make financial contributions to A.A, and resources on collecting a 7th tradition in a virtual meeting. If you have questions or are interested in learning more, please email questions@lansingdistrict6.org.
Finance Guidelines
Where Money and Spirituality Mix
The AA Group Treasurer
Contact Information to Make a Direct Contribution
General Service Office
Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
CMIA 32 Treasurer
c/o Kelly D.
PO Box 1394
Midland, MI 48642
District 6
P.O. Box 80063
Lansing, MI 48908
Please make checks payable to: District 6
Lansing AA Central
1915 E Michigan Ave., Suite D
Lansing, MI 48912
How to “pass the hat” in a virtual meeting
Provide the Treasurers mailing address
Set up a bank account where members can make a direct contribution
Set up a an account for a payment app (i.e, Venmo, Square, Paypal)
More Resources
From A.A. World Services: FAQ on Virtual Basket
From A.A. Cincinnati: How to set up a Paypal account for your A.A group
Billy N., former AA Delegate Workshop on How to Continue Traditions 7 and 11 in Cyberspace
From New Horizons Group,
How to Continue Honoring Traditions Seven and Eleven in Cyberspace"How does my group set up a venmo account?""What are the best Zoom practices to keep within the Traditions?"Questions answered by past General Service Trustee, past chair of AAWS, Tech Geek Billy N. from Atlanta Ga.